Sukurti kūgių numerius

Daugiau jokių negražiai ranka rašytų numerių ant kūgių tokioms cilgoms trasoms/a> ar kliūčių kombinacijoms!

Šiame puslapyje sukuriamas PDF failas, kuriame yra skaičiai 1–50 ir kombinuoti skaičiai nuo 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D iki 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D.

You can print the PDFs on plain paper, cut the numbers apart and tape them to your cones. The PDF was designed to print 2" x 2 5/16" numbers on Avery #6572 label sheets or Avery #6578 water repellent label sheets. Larger numbers on OL805 3" x 3" label sheets can also be printed (though I have not tested them yet; so no guarantee on the layout or the label's quality!).

Image showing a 2 inch tall number on a 7 in tall cone.

2 inch number on a 7 in cone

Image showing a 2 inch tall number on a flat cone.

2 inch number on a "flat" cone

Image showing a 3 inch tall number on a 9 in tall cone.

3 inch number on a 9 in cone

Image showing a 3 inch tall number on a 7 in tall cone.

3 inch number on a 7 in cone

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